Danny is changing the way people work. With proven steps to sharpen employee focus and increase productivity, Danny Bader is leading teams into greater achievement and fulfillment across the nation. The workshop experience is marked not only by Danny’s unique insight but personal demonstrations and hands-on participant involvement creating the ideal setting for all types of learners. Danny offers an approach that is immediately applicable to support your people in managing themselves and their stuff to a greater level of purposeful productivity.
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Managing yourself and your stuff workshop experience:
This workshop provides individuals with a strategy to increase their purposeful productivity. The key isn't managing your time, it's managing your focus. Maximum focus, control, and inspiration toward your personal and professional life are generated when you:
Build a strong, habitual approach, and organization system; allowing you to better manage projects, emails, phone calls and interruptions—and get more done in less time!
Develop a strong personal vision
Eliminate your negative thinking & build strong mindsets
Understand how & why the principle of “being still” actually supports our well-being, focus and productivity
In this practical workshop, participants will engage in hands-on activities creating a system within Microsoft Outlook® to manage their commitments that come to them via email, meetings, conference calls, interruptions and the outside world in general. You will invest in the vital activity of developing a clear personal vision and identify the beliefs and mindsets that inhibit you from achieving your goals.
“I heard you speak in November in Lexington, KY and really enjoyed it. I think I was supposed to hear you speak that day. I’ve been needing to hear something like that for a long time. I’ve not been who I need to be but I’m working on it. A sincere thank you, you’ve truly helped someone who’s trying to help themself.”
“Your impact on my life continues to grow - thank you for being a genuine soul that makes all of us around you live better lives ”