Season 2, Episode 10: Danny Bader
Welcome to Season 2, Episode 10 of our Back to Life: Finding Fulfillment Podcast. I'm very excited to spend some time telling you about my upcoming book, Taking the Sh*t Out of the Show. I spent the better half of 2021 writing this book and it launches on October 21st. Taking the Sh*t Out of the Show was birthed from real life stories and situations about people, from all ages and all walks of life, who found themselves in a difficult transition and not knowing how best to move through it.
In this episode, I walk you through some of the heart of the book and what you can expect from reading it. This is my fourth book, and it might be my favorite because the message, the title, the stories are all really synonymous...for persistence and resilience.
So let me spend some time with you today as I discuss the book and how it might connect with you.
“Even with all the people I had in my life that were there to help me, you know, I lost my faith. I felt like God screwed this up.” - Danny Bader
“It’s really important for us in life to always have that big picture.” - Danny Bader
“Because the way I look at it is when we're going through those challenging situations, the key for us is what's our perspective about it.” - Danny Bader
“I firmly believe that we act, we take action from how we feel and what emotional state that we're in.” - Danny Bader
“Taking The Sh*t Out of the Show, that term is really synonymous for resilience and persistence.” - Danny Bader
“It's okay to get broken. It's going to happen. It's a byproduct of living and being.