Season 2, Episode 7: Lori Saitz

Welcome to another episode of our Back to Life Podcast: Finding Fulfillment After 50. If you're like me, you've probably said to yourself more than once, “ I wish I could just find my purpose”. Well, if you're interested in your purpose, you should make the time to listen to this podcast.

I was introduced to Lori Saitz by a friend of mine and when we first connected for just a brief call, I thought, “Oh my gosh, I’ve got to get her on the podcast!” 

In this episode:

  • We dig right away into the big question of purpose that sometimes feels overwhelming and daunting.

  • Answering the questions of work-life balance, is it achievable?

  • How to turn “I’m fine” into “I’m fantastic”

  • Her trilogy for success, three things that are vital for us as we move through transitions in our life and live more into our purpose and more into things that bring us joy.

I think you are really going to enjoy this episode as we put legs to the idea of life’s purpose. Listen in and let me know what your thoughts are by leaving a comment or a review. 


I think most people have been conditioned by parents, by society, by whomever, to believe that what they truly want to do is not possible. - Lori Saitz

The idea of work-life balance has always seemed odd to me because to me work and life, it's all integrated. - Lori Saitz

Balance is an individual equation for people. - Danny Bader

So many people in our age range say, everything's fine. It's really not fine. - Lori Saitz

We keep ourselves so busy so that we don't have to feel the feelings, feel the emotions. - Danny Bader

Take some time away and just let it go.- Danny Bader

I started asking the question, what do I want to live the next 20 years? The same way I've lived the last 20 and what will I do differently? - Lori Saitz

When you're in a more grateful state, you attract energetically, you attract more good into your life. - Lori Saitz

I am okay because I accept where I am right now. - Danny Bader

It's often really hard to find courage by yourself. - Lori Saitz

Courage is a muscle. - Lori Saitz

It's your responsibility to work on you. - Lori Saitz

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